Closing up shop on Practical by Design


It’s the end of an era. After eight years of partnership, it’s time to close up shop. We’ve decided to close down our business together and stop sales on our online courses on practical service blueprinting on May 13th.

Before doing so, we want to give anyone who wants them a chance to get a bundle of BOTH courses for $99 (previously $449). On May 13th, everyone who has access will keep that for 6 months. The courses will no longer be for sale after the 13th — but our book will be forever available.

A lot has changed since starting this business and making our courses, writing our book. New names, new faces, new trajectories. It’s not easy to leave the past behind and move on from something, but we hope that—unlike the faces in our old videos—the blueprints you make will endure.

Over the years, our method and courses have been used across every industry, every FAANG (or MAANG now?) and adjacent company. We have consulted on the method with major automobile manufacturers, the biggest TV streaming services, airline manufacturers, fast food giants, the nation’s biggest banks, healthcare providers and insurance companies, a few Ivy league schools and their west coast peers, big 5 consultancies…

We have long since stopped doubting if the method *really* works. It does; actionable insights in a matter of hours.

The practical service blueprint is honed in the real world, developed out of a place of real necessity and needed. We called ourselves “practical” to highlight the importance of the work being applicable, developed by practitioners, and practicable by others. It works. You can learn it.

Now, tens-of-thousands of blueprints later, we are offering this final hurrah in case you missed it.

Last chance to get our courses »

We are so grateful to all the folks who have taken our courses, attended talks, used our templates, and connected with us over the years.

We’d love to stay in touch. Connect with each of us on LinkedIn:

With a fond farewell, and as always, happy blueprinting.

— Erika & Morgan



He/Him – Chasing my purpose to connect, inspire, ignite, and empower others. Co-founder of & working at Stanford University.